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High Torque, Silent Rotation Servex FTD3S2P22-01 DC24V

  • The micro step driver operates with low noise.
  • Step angles of 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 and 1/1 can be chosen.
  • High torque and high speed response achieved using constant current driver.
  • Input commands may be selected from either direction-of-rotation separate serial pulse signals or a combination of directional signals and pulse signals.
  • Reduced current (40 to 60%) function to prevent overheating during holding.
Unit of Measure



FTD3S2P22-01 Series 3-Phase Hybrid Stepping Motor Driver

Product Type

Stepper Motor Driver



Step Angle

1/8 deg./step1/4 deg./step1.2 deg./step

Current per 2 Phase

1.5 A2.0 A3.0 A

Min. High Level Input Voltage (Vih)

4.0 V

Max. High Level Input Voltage (Vih)

Vcc+0.3 V

Min. Low Level Input Voltage (Vil)

-0.3 V

Max. Low Level Input Voltage (Vil)

0.8 V

Min. Rise Time (Tr)

2.0 µs

Max. Rise Time (Tr)

9.5 µs

Max. Fall Time (Tf)

2.0 µs

Min. Input Pulse Range (Twl)

10 µs

Min. Direction of Rotation Change Timing (Twh)

3.0 µs

Power Supply

10.8-26.4 V


Specified the voltage waveform between the user circuit ground and the FTD3S2P22-01 terminal



Additional Information

Connector Specifications

Explanation of Dynamic Torque Curves

FTD3S2P22-01 Series 3-Phase Hybrid Stepping Motor Driver (FHD640PD3)

FTD3S2P22-01 Series 3-Phase Hybrid Stepping Motor Driver (FTD3S2P22)

FTD3S2P22-01 Series 3-Phase Hybrid Stepping Motor Driver (FTD3S2P22-01)

Functions, Setting and Connections

Input Circuit

Input Signal Specifications

Power Supply Specifications


N/A Custom Designs